el dorado:
The clowns` Raid
of destruction
is the end of all desires? Does the nature of mankind merit anguish,
or rather a half-smile, or tears? Do boundaries necessarily exist to
be transcended? In order to examine all these most complicated
questions in a staged format, a quantity of pollen equivalent to the
Sahara desert first has to be swept out of the way. Generalisation is
needed to arrive at the true essence, and the ultimate generalisation
of mankind is the clown. The same urges, the same fears, the same
joys, the same tears – but larger, clearer, more intense. The clown
can bring laughter or sneers to the lips of the audience, but these
reactions are evoked through the recognition of the seriousness of
existence, and thus all the more brightly. Ene-Liis Semper’s NO42
El Dorado
is a work of art that darts straight into the depths, where the
spectators take a trip that engages all their senses. Upon returning
from that trip, the true significance of life’s paradoxes is
perceived. There are references to Europe’s foundation myths, there
is first rate acting, there are images, the sensual effect of which
derives from their duration.
“The work that Ene-Liis Semper has brought to the stage is a disturbingly powerful pagan mystery, a mystical ritual where clowns are like absurd and monstrous deities, forbidden and nevertheless necessary for taking a sharper look at the dullness of our crummy life. Regardless of the fact that evolution has shoved us onward for thousands of years, we still remain blind beasts moved by senseless desire, unsatisfied instincts that constantly drive us into the depths of violence and endless agonising. Ene-Liis Semper’s world of clowns moves beneath this veneer that is as light as air, and through which society gilds the bitter pill and makes it sweeter,” wrote an Italian critic after performances of NO42 El Dorado in Venice.
Director - Art Director Ene-Liis Semper
Bodywork Jüri Nael
Musical Design Lauri Kaldoja
Dramaturg Laur Kaunissaare
Cast Marika Vaarik, Helena Pruuli, Rea Lest, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Ragnar Uustal, Simeoni Sundja, Jörgen Liik
Premiere on December 22 2015
Duration is one hour and 55 minutes, without intermission.
NB! The
production is practically without words and therefore suitable for watching for any language speaker and without surtitles.