and master


The Master and Margarita is one of the most mysterious books of the 20th century. The writer Bulgakov did not live to see his text bound as a book. He refined his manuscript for 12 years and finally refused to publish it because he did not want to follow the orders of the censors. Years later it has all become a success story. It is one of the greatest novels of all time. The book is on the required reading list in the school programmes of almost all countries. Yet there is no predicting at the moment how much the stage production is related to the original literature because the relationship between the novel and the dance lies in the rehearsals.
Alexander Pepelyayev is not yet a classic like Bulgakov, Berlioz or Peemot, yet he undoubtedly knows very well how to get people to move mysteriously. Thinking back to his stage productions of The Cherry Orchard (NO95, 2005) or the dance production of Three Sisters (2004) that preceded the renovation of Estonia’s theatre arts school, or his latest backwards work tsuaF (2007), it is clear that Pepelyayev creates surprises, sudden changes in direction, and nonrecurring worlds.

This time, then, we have a large, black hall again and idiosyncratic dance theatre that uses visual means and technical stage devices to their full extent. Rumours have it that similarly to the novel, there is apparently not enough ground for it. The air carries those, whose thoughts are light and whose bodies are ready to receive.

Director Alexander Pepelyayev
Scenography Alina Korsmik
On stage students from Theatre Academy: Marta Laan, Kertu Moppel, Jekaterina Nikolajevna, Liis Proode, Liisa Pulk, Sandra Üksküla Uusberg, Mait Joorits, Mikk Jürjens, Lauri Kaldoja, Roland Laos, Marko Leht, Artur Tedremägi, Jüri Tiidus, Mihkel Tikerpalu, Hendrik Toompere jr jr, Kristjan Üksküla

Premiere 25 September 2009